김은희 박사

김 은희 박사
정신과 약물치료, 심리치료
Dr. Irene Eunhee Kim


현 뉴욕주립 소아정신병원 정신과 약물처방사, 심리치료사

전 스토니부룩 뉴욕주립 대학원 임상교수


학력  공인자격 

  • 서울대학교 학사
  • 스토니부룩 뉴욕주립대 석사
  • 스토니부룩 뉴욕주립대 박사
  • 뉴욕주 라이센스 정신과 약물치료사/심리치료사(Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner)
  • 보드검증 정신과약물처방사 (PMHNP-BC, ANCC)
  • 보드검증 심리치료 전문가 (PMHCNS-BC, ANCC)


주요 전문가과정 훈련 

  • Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy-Boston, MA
  • Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, Harvard Medical School Continuing Education-Boston, MA
  • Psychopharmacology Update Institute, American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Rational-Emotive & Cognitive Behavior Therapy, the Albert Ellis Institute-New York, NY
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy, the Linehan Institute-Seattle, New York
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy-Bala Cynwyd, PA
  • Play Therapy Training, Family Enhancement and Play Therapy Center-Boiling Springs, PA
  • Cross-Cultural Counseling, Teachers College, Columbia University-New York, NY


주요 소속협회  직책

  • 신경과학교육연구소 정회원(Neuroscience Education Institute, member)
  • 미국심리학회 정회원(American Psychological Association, member)
  • 국제정신간호학회 전 이사 (International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses, Foundation Board Member)
  • 한미정신건강협회 이사/전회장 (Korean American Behavioral Health Association, Current Board Member/Past President) 



  • Kim, I.E., Cushin, A. & Yearwood, E. (2016). Strategies for mental health promotion in children and adolescents. In E. Yearwood & V. Hines-Martin (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Global Mental Health Nursing: Evidence, Practice, and Empowerment (pp. 276-312)London,
  • Editor of ‘Helping Patients and Families Cope with Psychiatric Illnesses’ (2011, Published by Korean American Behavioral Health Association and Holy Name Medical Center)- the first comprehensive mental health guidebook for the Korean community in the U.S.